Crash Cushions | Temporary

Temporary MASH-Compliant Crash Cushions: Enhancing Work Zone Safety

Temporary crash cushions are designed to augment safety measures in work zones and temporary traffic control areas. These systems are intended to offer additional protection, meeting the Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH) guidelines.

Engineered for Temporary Environments

Tailored for the ever-changing requirements of work zones, these crash cushions are built for swift installation and removal, providing adaptable solutions to suit a variety of temporary traffic situations.

Expert Guidance and Support

RoadSafe's team of experts is on standby to offer insights and assistance, ensuring you have the necessary support to make informed decisions about the appropriate crash cushion solutions for your particular road safety requirements. Connect with RoadSafe to fortify the safety of work zones with our assortment of temporary MASH-compliant crash cushions, reflecting our overarching commitment to advancing road safety.